Winter Break

On Friday before winter carnival we discussed the importance of solitude for deep and original thinking. Please find one hour over the break to sit quietly by yourself or with one other person and take some time to think for yourself. Keep a pen and paper handy to jot down the thoughts that come. Think and write about whatever you want, it's your time. Relax and enjoy.

Week of February 13th

There is no reading assigned for this week. Please use the time to prepare essay responses in advance of Monday's class. We will workshop and review them in class on Monday, in preparation for Wednesday's exam.

Reading for Thursday, Feb. 10

Please read Strayer, 662-665 and 633-636.

Assignments for Tuesday, Feb. 8

Please read Reilly 911-920 and complete the mid-course reflection assignment. Remember, it includes three parts:
  1. one-page typed response to questions distributed on Friday (address all 3 sections)
  2. selection of one or two artifacts that showcase your growth
  3. one-paragraph typed explanation of how it does that
 Please type your response using the standard format (1" margins, 12 pt. font, in this case single-space)